Fog at Home

 No two Fogs are the same, but some are special. 

Sometimes Fogs are unique because of different ingredients, maybe a different process. Other times Fogs are different because of the story of how they ended up in your hand, or how it made you feel. 

This Fog did both. It was made in the early morning of a weekend day. The rain danced on the sliding doors and the warmth of the soft lights in the kitchen could make anyone feel at home. The Fog was made by someone who cared, and someone who knew it would make me happy. It was made with freshly frothed milk from the espresso machine I'll always remember the sound of, with brown sugar stirred in and teaspoons of real vanilla splashed. The mug was one I actually gave as a gift, only to have it given to me now warm and alive. 

I sipped my Fog and smiled at its creator. I felt warm on every front. The Fog was as soft as that feeling, I just hoped it wouldn't ever go away. 

9/10 Fog. 


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